Chan T, De Chaumont C, Jefferies C.J, Ni Gabhann J, Murphy C.C (2012) Investigating the impact of HSK on TLR and IFN signaling in peripheral blood mononuclear cells, RAMI Winter Meeting 2012.
Chan T, De Chaumont C, Jefferies C.J, Ni Gabhann J, Murphy C.C (2012) Investigating the impact of HSK on TLR and IFN signaling in peripheral blood mononuclear cells, RCSI Annual Research Day 2012.
De Chaumont.C, Tyson C, Shahnazaryan D, Malone C, NiGabhann J, Jefferies C.J1, Murphy C.C (2012) Investigating the effect of corneal Herpes Simplex Virus-1 infection on Toll-Like Receptor expression in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells, RCSI Annual Research Day, 2012.
Haroon M, Ramasamy P, O’Rourke M, Murphy C.C, FitzGerald O (2012) Uveitis and Spondyloarthroptahy, SpondyloArthritis Knowledge and Learning (SpArKLe) meeting 18th October 2012. [Education in Spondyloarthritis designed for the Rheumatology community in Ireland].
Haroon M, Ramasamy P, O’Rourke M, Murphy C.C, FitzGerald O, (2012) Uveitis and SpA. SpondyloArthritis Knowledge and Learning (SpArKLe) meeting 28th September 2012 [Education in SpA designed for Allied health rheumatology professionals].
Kennedy, S (2012) Proteomics of Uveal Melanoma, International Association of Pathology Capetown, South Africa, September 2012
Kennedy, S (2012) Cilary body teratoid medulloepithelioma occurring in an adult, International Academy of Pathology, Capetown, South Africa, September 2012
Kennedy, S (2012) Keratoconus treated by microwave therapy, British Academy of Ophthalmic Pathology, 29-30th March 2012, Sheffield, UK
Malone C, Shahnazaryan D, Conlon R, Anyiam A, Smith S, Ní Gabhann J, Murphy C.C, Jefferies, C.J (2012) Targeting Toll-Like Receptor Pathways in Herpes Simplex Keratitis, Irish College of Ophthalmologists Annual Conference, 2012.
Molloy D, Connolly M, McCormick, Haroon M, Veale D.J, Murphy C.C, Molloy E.E, Fearon U (2012) Acute serum amyloid A and TLR2 acitvation induces pro-inflamatory mechanisms in a novel ex-vivo temporal artery explants culture model of giant cell arteritis. European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) 2012.
Molloy D, Connolly M, McCormick J, Haroon M, Veale D, Murphy C.C, Fearon U, Molloy E (2012) Blood Vessel Instability and Oxidative Damage in Giant Cell Arteritis. American College of Rheumatology 2012.
O’Rourke M, Connolly M, Fearon U, Murphy C.C (2012) Molecular mechanisms in the pathogenesis of acute anterior uveitis, Rheumatology-Ophthalmology meeting, RVEEH, Oct 2012.
O’Rourke M, Haroon M, FitzGerald O, Murphy C.C (2012) Acute anterior uveitis: an opportunity for earlier diagnosis in spondyloarthropathy. M RAMI Winter meeting, Dublin. December 2012.
O’Rourke M, O’Connor J, Kennedy S, Murphy C.C (2012) A description of the pathological features of corneal specimens of patients requiring tectonic penetrating keratoplasty for rheumatoid melt, Irish College of Ophthalmologists Annual Conference 2012.
O’Rourke M, O’Connor J, Murphy C.C, Kennedy S (2012) Pathological findings in rheumatoid corneal melt. EU Cornea, Milan 2012.
O’Sullivan, F (2012) PDA/IMB ESOF 2012 Satellite Conference. Making Gene & Cell Therapy Medicines a Reality. Repairing the Window of The Eye. July 10-11, 2012 Dublin, Ireland.
O’Sullivan, F (2012) The 2012 Ireland-Taiwan Symposium on Cancer and Stem Cell Biology. Corneal stem cells for transplant therapy. September 20th, 2012 Dublin, Ireland.
Ramasamy P, HenrM, Linge A, Horgan N, Murphy C.C, Clynes M, Kennedy S, Meleady P, (2012) Proteomics of Uveal Melanoma, Biotechnology in Action, National Institute for Cellular Biotechnology, 2012.
Ramasamy P, HenrM, Linge A, Horgan N, Murphy C.C, Clynes M, Kennedy S, Meleady P, (2012) Proteomics of Uveal Melanoma, European Vision and Eye Research (EVER) Conference 2012.
Ramasamy P, Henr M, Linge A, Horgan N, Murphy C.C, Clynes M, Kennedy S, Meleady P, (2012) Proteomics of Uveal Melanoma, Irish College of Ophthalmologists Annual Conference 2012 (Winner best presentation award).
Shahnazaryan D, Jefferies CJ, Murphy CC (2012) The role of viral regulatory protein ICPO in herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) keratitis, Irish College of Ophthalmologists Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland 2012.
Treacy M.P, Treacy M.G, Dimitrov B.D, Seager F.E, Stamp M.A, Murphy C.C (2012) A method for prescription of inexpensive spectacles by non-specialist healthcare workers: S-Glasses. Irish College of Ophthalmologists Annual Conference 2012.